Sebastián Moreno Coronel.

Professional info
I started drawing since child. Went to art workshops when teenager, and studied part on Painting techiniques carrer in Guadalajara's University. I also studie half of the Carrer of Painting Degree in Guadalajara's University and the full carrer of Fine Arts Degree in ENAP, UNAM.
Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas(ENAP). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
Licenciatura en Artes Visuales
2010 - present
Sebastian Moreno Coronel
(Atoyac, Mexico, 1971-)
He was born and grew up until he reached his teens, in a small town in the south of Jalisco, the land of Tequila, the mariachi and Jose Clemente Orozco, Juan Soriano, Raul Anguiano, Juan Jose Arreola and Juan Rulfo.
After a childhood marked by the tutelary restraint of religion, he gradually developed his imaginary world, which has since led him to an understanding of reality through the discovery of his own body.
The body as a pictorial constant was introduced in the work of this artist, by the hand of comic magazines, as well as religious representations, hence the constant references to these signs and their particular visual discourse.
Nudity has been part of his work since his first stage, in which -still a teenager- his father tried to censor the use of his recently discovered sexuality towards this author. From then on, the representation of the nude, predominantly male, has symbolized for this artist the possibility of expressing himself as an autonomous individual, owner of each part of himself and capable of exercising his right to enjoyment and administration of it.
Nudism, as a kind of liberation, not defenselessness, permeates the works in which men discover themselves and others, enjoying the possibility of meeting, comparing and relating through the senses and physical contact.
In art as his religion of life, the author touches the limits of desire and its realization, while painting men who, by containing their forces, project them as vibrations that tense the environment recharged by buried homoeroticism and the spirit of male who tries to impose himself on his competitors.
Sebastian Moreno Coronel's artistic training began around 1986, in a high school art workshop, parallel to another at the Casa de la Cultura de Ciudad Guzman, in his native Jalisco.
Around 1990, he came into contact with the artistic world of Guadalajara, where he participated in the artistic workshops of the Cabañas Cultural Institute.
It is not until 1992, when he decides, after his attempts to have a "normal" career in science, to enter the technical career in Painting, at the School of Plastic Arts of the University of Guadalajara. There he spent three years learning the techniques of drawing, painting, sculpture and photography. Then he went on to the recently started Bachelor of Painting, which did not satisfy his wishes and he left after three semesters, to continue in the Federal District.
In 1997 he entered the Bachelor of Visual Arts at the National School of Plastic Arts, belonging to the National Autonomous University of Mexico. As a student of the High Academic Demand Program, he obtained the program's scholarship, which allowed him to continue his career until the end. At that time he also obtained the training scholarship granted by Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), through the Casa de Santa Hipolita Foundation. At the same time, he was awarded a scholarship in the PAEA program (High Academic Demand Program) which consisted of a committed mason in the career as well as a high level of academic performance in all subjects.
In 1999 he traveled to Europe for the first time, visiting Italy and Greece, where he visited the Venice Biennale and attended the Congress on El Greco in Rethimo, Crete. This first approach to the old continent will mark his future work, starting with the series “Recent Pasts” (2001).
Other annual trips will follow, covering new countries, including France, Spain, England, Germany and Holland. When making a tour of the various museums in Europe, direct knowledge of pictorial works will be decisive in his next projects, in which references to classical and romantic themes will always be present, as well as pictorial allusions to the avant-garde of Early century. In this sense, the author still considers himself a product of the generation that grew up with a contemplative and reverent attitude towards the pictorial myths of the West, an influence from which he has no longer been able to shake off.
In 2002, he got to know Catalonia more thoroughly, by doing a work stay at the Rodriguez Amat Foundation, in Les Olives (Garrigoles), in Bajo Ampurdan. This is how he gets involved with his artistic community and enters into the daily dynamics through his Catalan partner. This will determine the decision to leave his country to integrate fully with his new family, and with an environment that has now placed him in L'Escala, Girona, a privileged site on the Catalan Costa Brava, with beaches and coves full of life, mystery and pleasure, in addition to the historical anthropological site of Empuries (Ampurias), from where the new pictorial images of this young artist emerge.
In 2006 he married his partner, thanks to the legal recognition of same-sex unions. This event transforms the reality of this artist, who finally begins to see the dreams that have taken him to Europe come true.
In 2007 he opened his store in L'Escala, which functions as a workshop and gallery, presenting the work of Mexican artists, such as: Rigel Herrera, Cristina Alfaro and Jose Antonio Platas, as well as the work of local artists and Catalan artisans. The economic situation makes the store close its doors in 2008, therefore returning to work at home, where he has his studio and workshop.
In 2009 he was granted Spanish nationality, which he shares with his native. This will allow from this moment a greater impulse to his career and his aspirations. Let this be an approach to the life and work of this author who, at 51 years of age, still has a lot to create and to live. Life to be shared with those who open their minds and their sensitivity, as well as the walls of their homes to his work.
Sebastian Moreno Colonel. Atoyac, Jalisco. July 31, 1971
1997- 2001 Bachelor of Visual Arts. High Academic Demand Program. National School of Plastic Arts (ENAP). UNAM
"Synthesis in fragments"
House of Culture of Atoyac, Jalisco, Mexico.
Center for Sexual Diversity of Mexico City.
"Living Frontiers"
Center Culturel du Botanique. Brussels. Belgium
"Body Approach"
KEMEWEME. Top Bar. Pineda de Mar. Spain
"Three years and a wish"
Padam Padam. Cafe gallery. Barcelona. Spain
"Continents Refound. Continents Retrobats."
MYSTIC. Barcelona. Spain
"Vulnerable Territories"
Jose Maria Velasco Gallery. INBA. CONACULTA. Mexico City
"From Solitude. Our children"
Felipe Santiago Gutierrez Museum. Toluca. State of Mexico
"From the body"
Disco club "Moments". Metepec. State of Mexico
French Alliance of San Angel. Mexico City
"How They Look at Us." A Photographic Record.
Higher School of Music. UNAM
"Recent Pasts"
Tlahuac Regional Museum.State of Mexico
"To the Loud Roar. OF THE ASPHALT"
Tomasa Valdes Cultural Center. Mexio City
San Angel Cultural Center. Mexico City
EXTERIOR REVISION IS. Foreign reviews.
Young Cause Gallery. Mexico City
Ibero-American Art Contest in Catalonia
Spanish art. Barcelona
XII ACEA'S International Salon
ACEA'S. Artist Promotion. Barcelona
Art Helps Galicia
Various provinces and Spanish rooms. Starting March 22.
Erotic art contest
Cansino Gallery. Barcelona
Artists of the World
Contemporary Art Center. Fund Rodriguez Amat. The Olives. Girona Spain
Between streams
Corsica Gallery. Puerto Vallarta. Mexico
The food in the landscape
The Taula. Restaurant and gallery. Mexico DF
The reality and desire
Chopo University Museum. UNAM. Mexico DF
Tribute to tradition
National School of Plastic Arts. UNAM. Mexico DF
University Book House. UNAM. Mexico DF
Self tribute
House of Nahum Zenil. Tenango of the Air. Edo. from Mexico
The best of my production
Jorge A. Manrique Gallery. Tenango del Aire. State of Mexico
Iliad Odyssey
Agapi Mu. Mexico DF
Tribute to Gilberto Aceves Navarro
GAN Gallery. Mexico DF
Mexico alive
Science Faculty. UNAM. Mexico DF
Me and the other. Young people and their circumstance
Tomasa Valdes Cultural Center. Mexico DF
Digital metaphors II
Galleries 2 and 3. Esc. Nal. of Plastic Arts. UNAM. Mexico DF
Commemorative exhibition XV years of LG Week
Chopo University Museum. UNAM. Mexico DF
Sacred art of the third millennium
Cloister of San Bernardino de Siena. Xochimilco. Mexico DF
Tecomate Cuatolco Ranch. Tenango del Aire. Edo. From Mexico
The wicked look
Flores Magon Gallery. Faculty of Cs. Pol. and Soc. UNAM: Mexico DF
AIDS and young people
L. Nishisawa Gallery. ENAP. UNAM. Mexico DF
House of Nahúm B. Zenil. Tenango del Aire. Edo. From Mexico
House of Culture of Celaya. Guanajuato
Tequila y chocolate. Lo lúdico y lo lúcido
Museo Univ. del Chopo. UNAM. Mexico DF
Centro Cultural Juan Rulfo. Mexico DF
“Instantes de vida”.
San Pere de Rives. Barcelona. España.
Déjanos ver como ves México.
ONACE. Mexico DF
Personajes de la Ciudad de México
Casa Jaime Sabines. Mexico DF
Un poema de Sabines.
Casa Jaime Sabines. Mexico DF
Concurso interuniversitario de arte.
Casa del Lago. UNAM. Mexico DF
1999 La barda del milenio. Murales.
Planta de Asfalto. Mexico DF
Expo arte social.
Politécnico Nacional. Mexico DF
Exposición del club la pluma del ganso.
Vestíbulo de la Del Iztacalco. Mexico DF
1a. Expo arte social.
Multiforo de Arte Social. Plaza Garibaldi. Mexico DF
El perseguidor de las imágenes.
Museo de la Ciudad. Mexico DF
Al desnudo.
Galería Tonalli. Secretaría de Desarrollo Social. Mexico DF
Las drogas.
Circo Volador. Centro de Arte y Cultura. Mexico DF
Otra visión sobre la muerte.
FES. Cuahutitlán. UNAM. Mexico DF
Mural alusivo al día de muertos.
Teatro de la Juventud. Mexico DF
Primera apropiación de lo conocido.
Centro Cultural Juan Rulfo. Mexico DF
Art moriendi.
Centro Cultural Juan Rulfo. Mexico DF
My art relates to gay life and gay subjects but now i am beggining to explore more in human nature. That is why i am startig depicting also female and queer subjects. Always centered on the nude as an expression of human's inner feelingsI paint in a very expressionistic way.
I paint nudes in different settings.
Whether in nature or in urban cities my figures are full of vitality and strength.
I am always exploring the human figure from different conceptual levels.
My art expresses the physical, sentimental and emotional human experiences that can go from the sensual to the erotic.
I am always striving to make my nudes to be full of power, mystery or fantasy, and at the same time I am also telling a story.
i am an artist that take great importance in the details that lead to the imaginary and often reveals to you a surprisingly implosive and frank message. In them they reveal something far more intimate.
My paintings are frequently inspired by the unconventional and are highly narrative with fable stories
Collecting his work will undoubtedly fill your home and life with new ways of enjoying painting, art and existence.
The male body as the enclosure of a will that does not want to be relegated to the dictates of morality and gender repression, explodes in all the force of its vulnerability in the paintings of Sebastian Moreno Coronel who, proud of his sexuality, openly expresses his obsession with the latent fragility of the male, which we all hide.
For centuries, the male figure has shied away from the appreciation and appropriation of its plastic virtues, appearing only as an ornamental accessory that reinforces the apparent female weakness.
Great authors have had to cover the representation of the male phallus with cloths, considering it aggressive in its character of penetrator-perforator, of property embodied in the female. It has only been until recently, when advertising has discovered the suggestive potential of the male body, built in the temples of the physical, in which, needless to say, homoeroticism floats like nowhere else.
At a time when clothing plays with unisexuality and when men begin to worry more about themselves, the gaze towards the other is forced, in the recognition of the other half of the beauty that, in an unnatural way, it has been veiled and forbidden to us. It is here where the pictorial discourse that returns to man his right to be represented becomes effective, both in the powerful explosion of his sexuality, and in the indelible vulnerability of his existential anguish, which leads him to rethink every day, his role as provider male and dominant of his environment.
Although it is true that I delight in the representation of the bodies that I admire, starting from my own and that of my partner; It is also a fact that I wish to become an emissary of the very desire of those who want to finally see themselves represented, in their diverse sexual option or in the reaffirmation of their gender.
For all this, I am completely grateful to everyone, men and women, who have opened a space in their world to let my creations enter it, filling their walls with the ejaculation of my brushes and the post-orgasmic lassitude of my subjects.
My most sincere thanks to all of you for helping my work continue to bear fruit.
My internal engine is still running and its power continues to regenerate through love and the satisfactions of my day to day.
I hug you from Spain.
Sebastian Moreno Coronel
2010 - present